We are waiting for the challenge of young researchers working ambitiously on researches, looking at the next generation.
Award of researchers who are making remarkable achievements based on exchange research at Japanese research institutes such as universities and national & public research institutions.
* Acceptance of applications for research achievement awards for FY2024 has been closed.
The grant will subsidize research expenses of foreign researchers accepted by or Japanese researchers dispatched overseas by research institutes such as universities or national & public research institutes in Japan for the purpose of research exchange, or research expenses of international students both in Japan and abroad engaged in research activities expected to develop into exchange research and collaborative research in the future.
In addition, Japanese researchers dispatched abroad can apply for an additional overseas special encouragement grant.
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The grant will subsidize the participation fee (registration fee) and overseas travel expenses for the researchers to attend international symposiums, international conferences, or international collaborative research, which are held domestically or overseas.
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The grant will subsidize travel expenses, transportation expenses etc. of researchers (including students) in research institutes such as private enterprises, universities, national & public research institutes in Japan under collaborative exchanges of industry, academia and government sectors.
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A person, who makes a recommendation of a researcher, should visit the page for the application procedure of each type of grant, download the candidate nomination form, fill out the form, sign it and mail it to our foundation. Also, the researcher, him or herself, should visit the same page, download the grant application form, fill out the form, sign it and mail to our foundation at the same time. Application will be accepted upon arrival of candidate nomination form.